Comparison of survival time of women with breast cancer depending on whether they participated in the mammography screening program
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Campus in Warsaw, University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz, Polska
Klinika Ginekologii i Położnictwa, Centralny Szpital Kliniczny MSWiA, Polska
Zakład programów zdrowotnych, Centralny Szpital Kliniczny MSWiA, Polska, Polska
Submission date: 2022-04-26
Acceptance date: 2022-09-07
Publication date: 2022-09-15
Corresponding author
Adam Wierzba   

Campus in Warsaw, University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz, dra Sterlinga 26, 90-212, Łódź, Polska
Zeszyty Naukowe CSK MSWiA w Warszawie 2022;1(2)
Introduction and objective: Preventive screening mammography is a very important test that allows early detection of the disease and introduction of effective treatment. The aim of the study was to compare the survival time of women with breast cancer participating in the screening program in relations to women who do not undergo these tests. Material and methods: The material for analysis was obtained from the NHF. There were two groups of patients between 50-69 years of age who were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010, a total of 12,093 women. The observation period was terminated either at the time of patient’s death or at the end of the observation, that is on December 31st, 2016. In the study group, 5,071 women did not undergo mammographic screening tests, and 7,022 women had preventive examinations. The average survival times were compared in both groups using the Kaplan-Meier estimation method. Results: The statistical tests performed showed a statistically significant difference between the studied groups (p <0.001). The percentage of five-year survival was 61.4% for a group of women without preventive screening before the diagnosis in comparison to 85.8% in those performing the tests. The average survival times were 58.7 months for the group without preventive screening and 75 months for those who had mammography tests. Conclusions: Performing mammographic screening in women at risk of developing breast cancer, i.e. between 50 and 69 years of age, statistically increases the average survival time and gives a much greater chance of 5-year survival compared to women who do not undergo breast cancer screening.
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