Injury incidence among polish firefighters related to firefighting sports activities from 2014 to 2022
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Department of Medical Rescue, John Paul II University
in Biala Podlaska, Polska
Faculty of medical sciences, Academy of Applied Sciences Mieszka I in Poznan, Poland, Polska
Institute of safety engineering, Fire Universitiy, Polska
District headquarters, State Fire Service, Polska
Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, Polska
Submission date: 2023-11-17
Acceptance date: 2024-01-12
Publication date: 2024-01-12
Corresponding author
Łukasz Dudziński
Department of Medical Rescue, John Paul II University
in Biala Podlaska, Sidorska 95/97, 21-500, Biała Podlaska, Polska
Zeszyty Naukowe PIM MSWiA 2023;1(4)
Introduction and objective: Service in a firefighting and rescue unit (FRU) involves rescuing injured people, limiting and controlling the spread of fire, eliminating local hazards, and carrying out rescue and firefighting operations during weather, industrial, construction, and road hazards. During these interventions, firefighters risk their own lives and health to save other people, animals, or property. The profession is associated with high psycho-physical loads due to a large number of risk factors, time pressure, and variable and adverse conditions.
Objective: This study is aimed to analyse injuries related to firefighting sports during service in the Polish State Fire Service from 2014 to 2022 across Poland. Material and methods: The study involved analysing data from the Personnel Office, the Department of Safety, Hygiene, and Health Prevention of the Main Command of the Polish State Fire Service (MC SFS). This department gathered data from across Poland in the form of an annual accident rate analysis. Reports included the number of injured firefighters, their age and service tenure, cause and circumstances of the accident (injury), with a distinction between individual and collective accidents, and location (province). Results: During the analysed period, there were 630 events (Mean 70.1; SD 36.3) leading to firefighter injuries related to firefighting sports. These incidents constituted 10.9% of all sports-related injuries, following team sports such as football (61% of sports injuries) and volleyball (19% of sports injuries). Conclusions: Firefighting sports approximate the nature of many incidents that firefighters encounter during their service. Competitions in firefighting sports simulate the combat tasks of firefighters. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) reports did not allow for the analysis of data regarding the age and service tenure of the injured firefighters. Firefighters' training related to participation in competitions may positively influence their psychophysical state during rescue and firefighting tasks.